Sociological Imagination: The meaning of sociological imagination differs to every sociologist, but at the end of the day, it can be widely connected back to the famous American sociologist, C. Wright Mills, author of The Sociological Imagination book. His work has been listed as the second most important sociological book of the 20th century in 1998.Overall, he defines sociological imagination as “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society.” So to
The topic of abortion in Canada has been and is still rife with controversy. Recent changes to societal views have shifted the way laws interact with the issues of abortion. Abortion deals with a multitude of humanistic issues. Amongst those are psychological, sociological, and moral dilemmas. As views became more modernized, social pressure influenced the development of Canadian abortion laws. Furthermore, an increase in feministic perspectives and an extremely controversial case series, R. v. Morgentaler
In the 21st century one of the most intriguing fact is there is an increase in female crimes and decrease in number of female child. Law students and people in general are aware or made aware of criminology theories given by Male criminologists more and less of Female criminologists. Feminism and criminology is not forgotten, but less remembered. The tragic consequences seen today against females clearly indicate that it has a strong history. But traditionally the scenario is that Criminology is
Feminism: Throughout history, many movements have created huge controversies because they dared to criticise well-established norms or institutions whether at a social, political or religious scale. Feminism can be thought of as the typical example of an iconoclastic movement that aimed at instigating change. The controversy that surrounds feminism is mainly concerned with the fact that this feminists challenged the oldest rule to have ever existed, namely patriarchal dominion