'Society's Identity In Brave New World'

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Who am I? Erik Erikson once said that “in the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.” The notion of identity has often been defined to be the condition of being oneself. However, identity composes two distinct entities; the idea of oneself and society’s perception. In the novels, Brave New World, The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Frankenstein, the idea that society formulates a character's identity proves to be true time and time again. Written in all capital letters on the first page of the novel, the words “Community, Identity and Stability” (Huxley 1) sum up the goals set by the leaders of the World State. However, the characters in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley exemplify…show more content…
Living a reclusive life in the wilderness, the creature lacks the ability to comprehend the world around him or himself as a being . His first encounter with civilization shapes his understanding of his existence. Motivated by hunger, the creature saunters into a village and confronts a human, whose “enchanted...appearance”(Shelley 72) fascinates him. Here in the midst of town, the creature is greeted by “children shriek[ing], women faint[ing], … [and men] attack[ing]” (Shelley 74) him. The monster’s first encounter with society foreshadows his rejection of due to his physical imperfections. Puzzled, the creature retreats to the natural world and find comfort in a hovel near a cottage. Understanding and sympathizing with the somber aura of the DeLacey family, the creature decides to assist these “gentle beings” (Shelley 76). He gathers firewood for the family, alleviating some of their troubles with poverty. The creature’s kind actions display his compassionate character, traits which he has found within himself. Spending months creating his identity, the creature metamorphosizes into a altruistic character. Finally, the creature initiates his idea to meet DeLacey, the old man, in person. As a blind man, DeLacey is immune to the deformed physical appearance of the creature, allowing him to truly understand the creatures benevolent intentions. Soon the family arrives home and meets their invisible helper, the creature cannot “describe their horror and consternation [while] beholding” (Shelley 96) him. Aggravated by the rejection of the DeLacey family, the monster brutally murders the young brother of Frankenstein, frames a friend of the family, and swears to wreck the life of his creator. Here society reshapes the creature's identity, he truly becomes the monster his reflection shows him. Because society had always perceived the creature as vicious beast,

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