Social Disparities In America

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In American societies, people who are of a higher-social class, have above average incomes, and are better educated have better health and longevity. The more education and income people have, the less likely they are to have and die of heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many types of cancer. Upper-middle-class Americans live longer and in better health than middle-class Americans, who live longer and better than those at the bottom. Income is one of the most obvious factor associated with health and mortality. Medical care is expensive, and those with more financial resources have better access to physicians and medicines. (ess. Of soci) As advances in medicine and disease prevention increase life expectancy in the United States, the benefits have disproportionately gone to people with higher levels of education, more money, good jobs and connections. They are perpetually in the best position to learn new information, modify their behavior, take advantage of the latest treatments and have the cost covered by insurance.…show more content…
Half of the jobs in America now pay less than $33,000 a year, and a quarter pay less than the poverty line of $22,000 for a family of four. People who have low income jobs, such as food preparation, and farm workers often live in high poverty. They frequently have poor housing conditions, lack of resources in health and educational provision as well as higher risk occupations for the poor health of the lower social classes. Some researchers believe that the stress of a low wage, high-demand job, is more harmful to an individual’s health, then say a high-wage job, where an employ has more work related

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