Art Analysis: Dick Termespheres

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Dick Termes is an artist known for his spherical paintings called Termespheres, where he uses geometric perspective (sometimes called linear perspective); he specifically uses a six point perspective. Termes pursued a thesis on the Termesphere at the Otis art Institute in California, where he received his Masters in Fine Arts. Unlike other painters who paint on flat canvases, Termes paints on spheres. When his paintings are complete, he refers to them as Termespheres (I assume it his last name Termes and the word sphere put together). Termesphere is an optical illusion. It is “an inside-out view of the total physical world around you on the outside surface”. (Scovell) If you were inside the sphere, the image painted around you would appear just as it should, but the Termespheres are…show more content…
A second type of four point perspective is what is called the continuous four point perspective system. This system keeps the Zenith and Nadir lines of the cube actually parallel, and curves the North to South and East to West lines of the cube. Five points, creates a circle on a piece of paper or canvas. It illustrates 180 degrees of visual space around you. It captures everything from North to South and from Nadir to Zenith. Imagine yourself in a museum with a transparent hemisphere. When you locate a spot in the museum, put the hemisphere in front of your face and copy everything you see inside of it. “The hemisphere shows five vanishing points, north, on the left, east in the middle and south on the right. There is also a point above your head and another below your chin. One hundred and eighty degrees of the total environment can be drawn in this hemisphere. Think of how this would look on the flat surface. You would have to rely on five point grid system on the flat page to do the same thing….”

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