Social Determinant

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Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of Health In Marmots, closing the gap in a generation and social determinants of health inequalities, every human has a right to good health irrespective of background, nationality or class. Even though health is a fundamental right, huge disparities exist within a country and between different countries. Consider three children born in Japan, India and Nigeria, the Japanese child has a life expectancy of 83 years, the Indian child has a life expectancy of 63 years while the Nigerian child has a life expectancy of less than 50 years1. Even within the countries the life expectancy rate differs based on socio-economic position. These avoidable health inequities arise as a result of the circumstances of daily life and the systems that are put in place to deal with their health problems. These systems include, poor social policies and programmes, unfair economic arrangements and bad politics. If the difference in health between different groups is avoidable, it is imperative that global health equity in each country is achieved not because it encourages economic growth but because it is fair and it is just1. In Marmots (2005) words, ‘’to battle inequity, is to take action on the social…show more content…
The well-being of mothers have to be emphasized because the conditions their babies are born in will affect the child’s development1. Based on Marmot (2005), the early mental, educational and physical development of a child the more potential the next generation will have to battle health inequities because of the skills, education and job opportunities made available. To make conditions even more favourable, decent employment, healthy living conditions and social protection policy have to be put into practice by the government and global
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