Snow White And The If Literary Analysis

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EXPERIENCE OF THE ADAPTATION Hutcherson discusses the aspects that are best to manipulate when adapting. Using themes, because they work across different genres, the plot and the ending because twists intrigue the audience. For instance, in the Snow White adaptations, screenwriters often kept the characters, adapted the plot, changed the endings, and shifted certain features. In the adaptation Snow White and the Huntsman, the screenwriter kept Snow White and the evil step mother characters, the apple and her pale skin; ensuring that people would recognize the story. In this movie they changed the idea that the female lead was helpless and needed rescuing by a feminist warrior character. You can see in Barthelme’s novel Snow White he kept the…show more content…
This was due to the fact that it was kid friendly and most people had viewed it growing up. Therefore, in people’s minds the source text became secondary, but really when analysing it, it is important to see the two texts as separate appreciating the work of each individual piece. Adaptations should be experienced intertextuality rather than in a hierarchy of source material and recreation. “It is as fruitless to say that film A is better or worse than novel B there can be no hierarchy between textual instances” (Bluestone). Linda Hutcheson rightly pointed out that adaptation can potentially be treated both as original texts in their own right and as adaptations. “Adaptations have a double…show more content…
They are two completely different art forms, and have a distinction between showing and telling, “being shown a story is not the same as being told it. “To tell a story is to describe, explain, summarize, expand and to show a story involves a direct, aural and usually visual experience in real time” (Hutcherson, 13). Meaning, novels and films vary in how they portray information. Films offer visual displays that stimulate our senses while the written word does this indirectly through the expression of words. Films are also limited to a time frame whereas a novel has no limitations. Someone reading a book as opposed to watching a movie will take longer and so one will develop a different kind of connection with the book than with the movie because there is a lot more detail that can be included. Aspects in the novels are portrayed differently in the film, for example flashbacks and voice overs are used in place of literary devices. Typically, when novels are being adapted into films the narrator becomes absent. Sometimes a narrator's perspective is kept through the use of a voice-over, but generally the director, cast, and crew must rely on the other tools of film to reproduce what was felt, thought, and described on the page. This can be seen in the movie Adaptation. Charlie Kaufman, debates about putting, voice overs to portray his and Susan

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