The Struggle In Ralph Ellison's The Invisible Man

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In Ralph Ellison’s novel The Invisible Man, the reader is shown that sometimes the meaning behind an object is more important than the physical value of it. Throughout the course of the novel we learn that the struggles that Invisible (narrator) goes through are not distinct to just him, but all blacks. In this paper, I explore the idea that the evicted families possessions represent more than what they are, but a history of African American struggle, hardship, and perseverance. Although most everyone take’s some pride in their possessions, it is not difficult to understand that people who have constantly had things stripped from them might take more. Only after you have lost nearly everything can you begin to appreciate the small beauties…show more content…
"It shows that these black people aren't really free.” He then proceeded to give a speech about conforming to to laws which inspires the crowd to stand up for their rights. However, invisible was not intending on making this happen; he had no clue that the crowd would react in such a way. After basically inciting a riot, Invisible meets a redhead named Brother Jack who had heard and was inspired by his speech. Brother Jack offers Invisible a membership in a mysterious brotherhood and even though Invisible declines, Brother Jack gave him a note that had an address and phone number on it in case he changed his mind. This moment ends up being a crucial aspect to Invisible’s future and what he becomes. After fleeing the scene and changing his mind about the brotherhood, Invisible meets with Brother Jack who attempts to level with Invisible by relating the couple being evicted to a “death" and then telling him about “Death on the City Pavements.” Brother Jack describes Death on the City Pavements as "a detective story or something I read somewhere. . . ." However, "Death on the City Pavements" is not a detective story, Jack was citing Part 3 in Richard Wright’s “12 Million Black Voices.” Published in 1941, the book illustrates the poverty that was felt by rural blacks living in tiny cabins in

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