Silica Gel Chromatography Case Study

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Question 1 1.1 Silica gel chromatography: This is known as the stationary phase in column chromatography. Firstly, the tapered exit of the column is sealed using porous material. This porous material serves as support for the packing material, and prevents it from exiting the pipe. Thereafter, silica gel is compacted into the glass pipe to make the separating column. In finishing preparation of the column, the solvent which is used as the mobile phase is then passed through the dry column. Then the column is referred to as "wet" and it must remain wet throughout the process. A soon as the column is correctly prepared, the sample which requires separation is placed at the top of the wet column. Sephadex chromatography: Sephadex is used to…show more content…
Procedure: Step 1: Whilst the vent is closed, a buffer is added. Thereafter, a slurry of Sephadex is blended and immediately poured into the column. Step 2: Once the Sephadex has settled, the vent is secured directly below the top of the column and opened, to enable buffer to course through the…show more content…
These range from coughs, colds, and blood poisoning, to malaria. Traditionally, it is said to be used for treatment of jaundice and gout. Artemisia afra also serves as an antiseptic to treat cuts and grazes, as an antidepressant, and as an anti-inflammatory. This medicinal plant can be used as a vapour to treat headaches, colds, bronchial conditions, earache, fever, and malaria. A blocked nose can be alleviated by inserting fresh Artemisia afra leaves into the nostrils. Other ailments that can be treated by using Artemisia afra are colic, intestinal worms, loss of appetite and indigestion. When warmed, the leaves serve as a pain reliever to treat sprains, rheumatic swellings, and stomach ache. Also, Artemisia afra is a blood purifier and can be used to clear acne and boils. 2.2 Agathosma betulina, commonly known as Buchu, is traditionally known to treat many ailments. It has been administered for many years to treat inflammation of the colon and gums, urinary tract infections, and kidney infections. Buchu can be used as a stomach tonic, as well as a diuretic. Other uses include carminative action and treatment of colds and flu, prostatitis, rheumatism, heartburn, cystitis, yeast infections, leukorrhea, and fluid retention in the

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