Sickle Cell Anemia Case Study

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Hematologic 1. When working with a patient with sickle cell anemia, what should you take into consideration regarding your treatment plan? Are there any contraindications or precautions you should follow? a. When working with a patient with sickle cell anemia a therapist must take into consideration the different cardiopulmonary factors presented in these patients. Those with pulmonary vascular disease have low peak VO, low anaerobic threshold, gas exchange abnormalities and high ventilator reserve. 1 Peripheral vascular disease will also accompany patients with sickle cell anemia. The low peak VO, low anaerobic threshold, lack of gas exchange abnormalities and a high heart rate reserve should be considered. 1 The last thing to consider…show more content…
You are treating a 26 year-old patient referred to you by her PCP for “TMJ syndrome. “During your history, she also mentions left shoulder pain. When reviewing her past medical history, she notes she has been diagnosed with a minor heart condition involving her “heart valve.” As the treating therapist, what condition affecting heart valves might she have and what signs and symptoms would lead you to this diagnosis, should it occur with this patient while exercising? a. This patient has mitral valve prolapse. Sign and symptoms that would lead to this diagnosis would be profound fatigue or low exercise tolerance, chest pain with arm, back and shoulder discomfort, irregular heartbeat, tachycardia, migraine headache, Dyspnea, Anxiety, depression and panic attacks. 2 b. Aerobic exercise is beneficial to individuals with mitral valve prolapse. Aerobic exercise helps strengthen the heart, allowing less pumps to circulate adequate enough blood throughout the body. 4 If arrhythmias or tachycardia occur during exercise, the therapist must immediately refer the patient to her physician. 1 4. You are evaluating a 55 year-old male patient c/o central chest pain radiating into the neck and down the left arm. How would you be able to differentiate if this patient is having a possible myocardial infarct or acute onset of pericarditis? a. Pericarditis 5: i. Chest pain: constant and sharp (description: intense & “stabbing”) ii. Does not increase with
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