Short-Term Solution-Based Counseling: A Case Study

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According to the report, it seems as if Steve and Cindy have very little in common and don’t enjoy spending time together. Cindy’s answers give the impression that Steve has a few personal activities or pastimes that she feels are getting in the way of their time together. But the main issue seems to be the couple’s lack of common interests. Both Steve and Cindy agree that they are stressed out by trying to come up with things they can do together, because they do not share too many common interests and do not enjoy the same past times it is making it harder for them to come up with ideas. They lack a sense of adventure and show resistance to trying new things. Some of their issues could be a result of devoting most of their time and attention…show more content…
The sessions will help the couple to create achievable, short-term solution-based goals that will help them move forward and create lasting change in their relationship. The first session would be just to review the results of their assessments, to gain a clear picture of what the couple’s relationship is like because sometimes what shows up on paper isn’t reality, and provide brief education on the Five Factor Model of Personality to help them understand the SCOPE results (Olsen, 2009). I would also suggest that they look into attending a marriage class at a local church and possibly join a couple’s small group while going through this process of healing to begin finding like-minded couples to enjoy fellowship with. I would also like to ask them to consider what their life would look like if their marriage was to be miraculously healed overnight. By identifying what would be different, it will help them to visualize the changes that need to occur. It would also be beneficial to give them the PREPARE/ENRICH exercise “Identifying Most Critical Issues” as homework to complete before the next session (Olsen, 2009). During the next session, they should reflect back on what they thought about being fixed overnight and based on their responses, they would create short-term goals to start working on. For the purposes of this assignment, I will assume the couple will set goals of improving their communication and conflict resolution skills, begin seeking new leisure activities, and possibly even explore ways to improve their sex life. The third session would begin by reviewing anything that had happened since the last session and review the direction their relationship is going. During this session, special focus should be placed on the growth areas of sexual relationship and leisure. It would also be a time to review the suspected connection between

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