Shoestrings Essay

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What is the most important element of the marketing mix for Shoestrings? Introduction I have chosen to research Shoestrings for this controlled assessment as it is local and I visit it often. Shoestrings are a small business local to Chippenham that sells fast food to customers to eat in or take-away (although due to insufficient seating the restaurant has developed a reputation as a takeaway). Shoestrings aren’t a large chain and only have two stores, both of which are located in Chippenham. Product Shoestrings bread and butter are their fries, which, shown in the pie chart below are the most popular option for customers, they have other unique products such as their different variations of burger, including Chilli burger…show more content…
While customers claim to enjoy a variety of options from Shoestrings, the research I conducted shows that customers generally prefer to buy fries when they visit Shoestrings, with Chicken nuggets being the least popular of the menu choices. Place Place is a vital part of the marketing mix for every business, and Shoestrings are in an very convenient location for customers to access, being right next to the centre of town is useful as a lot of people walk past the store every day, especially on the way back from school. The more popular of the two stores is located at: 19 The Bridge, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1HA (as shown on the map to the right) A picture of Shoestrings store (right) in Chippenham. It doesn’t stand out very much as it has quite dull colours. It’s not very noticeable, especially as Subway is on the other side of the road drawing attention away from the store. Unfortunately they lack an online presence as they don’t have a website or even a Twitter or Facebook page. If Shoestrings decided to set any of these things up they could draw in customers and significantly increase sales and therefore profit. McDonalds, for example have an online
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