Shang Civilizations

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The government of the Shang civilization developed when a man named Cheng Tang overthrew the evil king of the Xia dynasty. Once he took over the Xia dynasty he established a capital of the civilization where the government lived. This capitals name was first called Shang, then it moved around because of kings, and the final capital city's name was called Yin. Cheng Tang then became King which established a monarchy government which was used for the rest of the Shang dynasty's history. During the history of the Shang there was 30 kings that ruled the civilization over a span of 600 years. These kings were the main rulers of the civilization and controlled the functions, and took authority of the civilization during their reign. Once the King…show more content…
Some limitations were that some of the people in the civilization might not like the ideas that the king is enforcing, and they have no say in it. They just have to live and deal with what the ruler wants. Also because the ruler makes all of the decisions and nobody else can. The political structure of the Shang civilization was similar to quite a few civilizations. An example is the Old, Middle, and New Egyptian civilizations. They were similar because those civilizations also had the Kings be the supreme rulers of the civilization, make all of the decisions, and speak to the gods. This political system is not used as much today though. There are some countries that still use a monarchy but they don't have the same concepts as the Shang. Today they do not have the people talk to the gods, and they still make the decisions today, they just do not control what the people do. An example for a monarchy today is in England. The Shang civilization became its own empire, because they had nobody else controlling them. Also they were the only empire in China during that time, so nobody else could control…show more content…
People would use their crops to buy or trade things for things that were essential for their home. There was also trade between different cities in the civilization. In the civilization there were many different jobs. Some of them were farmers, fishermen, craftsmen, artisans, scribes, nobles, government leaders, military leaders, military personnel, slaves, sculptors, potters, and metal-workers. There economy was more local than global. This was mainly because of the harsh terrains around them such as mountain ranges brutal deserts, thick rainforests, and the Pacific Ocean. Because of these conditions it was hard for them to trade outside of their civilization. Since they could not trade outside of the civilization, they traded in cities and towns within the civilization. Most of the things that they traded were bronze, jade, pottery, sculptures, animals, fish, rice, wheat, millet, and animal produce. The way that they economy related to the geography of the civilization is that they were in a land with many lakes and ponds for freshwater fishing, and they were in a fertile land which was used for farming. Between the fish and crops, the farmers and fisherman could use their produce for trade to get things that they needed. These things helped the economy for the farmer, the person that sells the crops, and the person that buys the crops from the seller, who bought the crops from the
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