Mesopotamia Shang Civilization

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Erica Butler Mr. Jack Reynolds World History 13 September 2014 The Similarities and Differences of Two Early Civilizations While learning about the early civilization two caught my eye, the Mesopotamia and Shang and Zhou China. The Mesopotamia was one of the many early River Valley Civilizations that where sprouting up all over the world in early B.C. The Shang and Zhou where one of the earliest civilizations in the China area. Theses civilizations where very different due to where they lived and how they chose to construct their civilization. The main differences where religion, government, and occupation. These civilizations also had some differences like cases systems and how men and women’s jobs where different. Civilizations are based…show more content…
The first settlements where in the near east, where there were lots of animals and plants but also had an excellent supply of fresh water for the people to drink. They also had plenty of wood and stone in the north for building and making tools out of. Around 35000 B. C. small farming and fishing villages though Mesopotamia were growing at rapid speed in to small towns and cities. This civilization was advancing fast, they learn how to make carts with wheels for easy movement and travel from one place to another. They also came up with a way to remember thing using something called cuneiform, it was a type of writing. The first people to move in to the south the Sumerians they did very well in this area. The Summerins lived around very rich farmland. Their main way of traveling and communicating with other was though, boats and river canals. Because their cites often became very wealth they sometimes broke out in to fierce wars. Each of these cites had their own government and their own kings and queen, who were the most important people in the city or village. They also had their own armies and temples where they worshiped their gods. Due to warfare the whole Mesopotamia, came to be controlled by the powerful Assyrian and Babylonian…show more content…
The kings of the Shang Empire exerted power and cultural influence on polities and state lets all the way to the Yangtze River. According to the historiography, the Shang dynasty was founded by Tang the Perfect and was destroyed by King Zhou. Shang are described as a single dynasty ruling over China, the Shang were but one of many states, albeit the most powerful one. In the eleventh century the Shang kingdom was conquered by the Zhou, a family ruling over the western fringes of the Shang kingdom. The Zhou dynasty was probably the dynasty that reigned for the longest period of time not only among all Chinese dynasties, but of the whole world. Zhou rulers and their political and ritual institutions as examples and guidelines for all later dynasties, at least in theory. The Zhou dynasty is one of the Three Dynasties of antiquity 900 years of history were also characterized by profound changes in society, administration and thought. The first kings of the Zhou where their followers and relatives with large domains that after several generations developed to virtually independent state themselves: the central government lost its authority, and the "feudal
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