Sexually Transmitted Disease Research Paper

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Introduction A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is caused by sexual interaction and contact passed between people. An STD can be passed through the penis, vagina, rectum, or mouth. Many of these diseases have serious health consequences, yet there are many people still taking the risk of getting one of the twenty-five different known STDs through sexual promiscuity. Although STDs can be spread through methods other than sexual intercourse, they are a result of sexual promiscuity since they only came after rampant sexual intercourse, and sexually pure individuals tend to not have an STD. Body The contraction of a sexually transmitted disease limits the abilities of the person who has it. Although most STDs only affect sexual organs, they can still lead to infertility. Syphilis can cause fatal heart problems, deafness, blindness, paralysis, and insanity. Chlamydia can affect the throats and eyes. Gonorrhea spreads through the bloodstream and causes swelling/pain of testicles, abnormal vaginal bleeding, scarred urethra, infertility, inflammation around the heart and bones/tendons/joints. STDs affect more than just genitals. Although it's hard to put a number on all deaths caused by STDs every year, more than 35 million people die from acquired…show more content…
As well as those of African descent. Those who have two or more partners are five times more likely to get an STD. More than 65% of homosexuals have HIV. Homosexuals have a 72% higher risk of contracting syphilis. The list could go on. The rate of Chlamydia among black women was six times higher than that of white women. 67% of reported gonorrhea cases were of African descent. The overall rate of blacks with syphilis was seven times higher than those who were white. Blacks with STDs: many of them cannot afford treatment because of poverty, and are more likely to acquire one because of the higher rates of sex workers in their

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