Comparative Analysis Of Prostitution

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Paper #4: Comparative Analysis Prostitution in the United States is an ongoing and relevant issue today because it negatively affects women’s human rights. However, efforts to alleviate this problem differ between legalizing it and keeping it illegal. In the article Buying Sex Should Not Be Legal (Article A), Moran argues that the acting of decriminalizing prostitution would increase violence towards prostitutes, whereas in the article Why It’s Time to Legalize Prostitution (Article B), Reisenwitz argues that legalizing would “cut down on sex trafficking”. In Article A, Moran argues that keeping prostitution illegal is the way to alleviate prostitution crimes. Moran starts by arguing against AI’s claim that legalization will reduce stigma.…show more content…
Next, she suggests an alternative approach called the “Nordic model”, where buying sex should be illegal, but selling it should be legal. This solution would prevent prostitutes from being arrested. Lastly, she refers back to her past to describe that “prostitution cannot be disentangled from coercion”. Some of the evidence Moran uses is irrelevant to her argument because she doesn’t analyze it enough. For example, because she focuses the first half of her article on her personal story, she should’ve analyzed the implications more. She should have elaborated more on how prostitution has negatively affected her after the experience. Although it evokes sympathy from readers, describing prostitution’s long lasting effects would have strengthened the relevance of the evidence. The limitation for Article A is that the author is a woman who was personally exposed to the crimes of prostitution. This personal connection with the issue could bring more bias to the article because some parts might be exaggerated due to prostitution’s psychological impact on her. Her personal story decreases the credibility of evidence because of the limitations. The author also makes the mistake of focusing too much on other countries and what…show more content…
One reason is because decriminalization would take prostitution to the streets. She starts by claiming that when prostitution is illegal, clients and police abuse prostitutes more. Next, she uses other countries as evidence of legalization decreasing violence. Then, she claims legalization decreases sexually transmitted diseases under the assumption that decriminalization will definitely increase crime rates. Afterwards, she briefly introduces prostitutes’ age range and ends by explaining that feminists support this decision. The issue with the evidence Reisenwitz uses is similar to Moran’s problem because both don’t talk about America specifically. Instead, they focus on statistics from European countries, assuming that Europeans’ nature is the same as Americans’. The evidence Reisenwitz uses when she discusses the prostitutes’ age is irrelevant because there’s no analysis. She spends an entire paragraph discussing that the average age of sex workers is 31 and that pimps avoid using teen worker only because they “don’t make enough money”. However, she doesn’t use this data to develop an argument because her next paragraph addresses a new claim, which is that human trafficking “defies common sense”. Therefore, she should have excluded the evidence about demographics because it’s irrelevant to her argument. Furthermore, her line of reasoning is ineffective not

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