Separation Of Powers Pros And Cons

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The Separation of Powers has been with America for many years. The idea was created by a French philosopher named Baron de Montesquieu. The idea was that a perfect government would not be one body, but three. The branches would be called the Legislative branch, the Executive branch, and the judicial branch. The Legislative consists of the two houses of congress, the Executive branch consists of the President and the cabinet, and the judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court and all federal courts. Separation of Powers is still important today because it still limits the government’s power to prevent tyranny, and gives power to the state and to the people; though there are still flaws with its design it works quite well. A limited power is the only way to prevent tyranny. Our founding father never wanted another single body to hold the power of three branches, so they decided to split up the three branches so that they could prevent a tyrant from ever appearing again. To quote James Madison, “Liberty requires that the three great departments of…show more content…
In the 2008-2010 years of president Obama’s first term, both houses of Congress were controlled by the Democratic Party, as was the Executive branch. In later years, Congress attempted to pass a “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” This very bad idea would not have been passed if it weren’t for Chief Justice John Roberts. There was still the option of the judicial branch saying the law was unconstitutional; but, as human nature is not constant, a traditionally Conservative judge, Chief Justice John Roberts voted in favor of the bill, surprising many. The passing of this law shows that even our highly sophisticated Separation of Powers, and Checks and Balances is not perfect. Our system is not flawless but it still serves a purpose. Although there are mistakes, it is still a powerful and effective way America runs

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