Samurai Warrior In The Medieval Knight

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During the Middle Ages, the samurai warriors of feudal Japan were selfless, fiercely loyal to their master, and devoted to defending their master’s land. They were trained to be quick with their bow and to never be afraid of death. Determined to defend their lord’s land against any enemies, the knights of medieval Europe were bold, chivalrous, and humble. Both the knights and the samurai were vicious warriors, well-equipped to beat an enemy in a fight. Although samurai and knights never met each other during the Middle Ages, the two warriors were well-prepared enough to engage in battle with each other. While some historians believe the samurai warrior would win, others believe that the knight would win the fight. If a samurai warrior and…show more content…
When fighting the samurai, the knight could use his lance as a psychological advantage. Adam Woog in his article “Daily Life Medieval Knights” explains that knights were mounted on horses, and they used the shock warfare style, which is when the knight used a twelve foot long lance with a pointed metal tip to make direct strikes and frighten the opponent (Woog). By using his lance, the knight could appear intimidating during the battle, and he could potentially knock the samurai off his horse without engaging in close combat. A knight also had more techniques for using his sword than the samurai did, which would help him defeat the samurai in the battle. Based on history teacher Raf Metatron in his video “Japanese Katana vs. European Longsword Counter Argument,” knights used a technique called half-swording, which is when the knight would hold the middle of the blade and the hilt in order to create a rigid blade that could not bend, creating a more powerful weapon (Metatron). As a result, the knight would have an immense advantage, because he could choose between two sword techniques, either the common slashing and thrusting technique or the more effective half-swording technique. Additionally, the samurai’s fighting style was not practical against the knight’s fighting style. According to Eleanor Hall in her article “Life Among the Samurai,” the samurai warrior relied on his bow and the absence of armor on his right arm to allow him to throw projectiles (Hall). With a lance, a shield, a longer sword, and sturdy metal armor, arrows and projectiles would merely be a small annoyance to the knight. However, other historians may oppose the idea that the knight would triumph against the samurai, because the samurai warriors were trained to withstand pain and never fear danger. While other historians do hold rational points,

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