Cisco Supply Chain Summary

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Introduction Founded in 1984 and headquartered in San Jose, California, Cisco is a technology conglomerate that specializes in the provision of networking solutions that connect people, computer networks, and computing devices. These networking solutions allow individuals and institutions to freely transfer or access information regardless of the distance, type of computer system they are using and time differences that exist between them. Even though the company began as a developer and seller of network nodes, it has grown over time to increase its product portfolio to over 300. Moreover, the company today hosts more than 85% of the world’s internet traffic on its systems (“Who is Cisco,” n.d.). “How Cisco Transformed Its Supply Chain,” (2014)…show more content…
The Oracle had over “2,500 customizations, 30,000 custom data objects, 250 custom applications, and 19 separate databases” (“How Cisco Transformed Its Supply Chain,” 2014). This overly tailored and complicated supply chain proved costly at a critical moment when the company wanted to enhance its agility and increase the scale of operation. The enterprise IT, on the one hand, could not respond hastily to the business requirements of the supply chain, leading to delays in the production process. The business, on the other hand, could not react speedily to the transitions in the market, leading to opportunity loss. Cisco customers’ experience consequently worsened, productivity was substantially hampered, and scalability was close to being branded impossibility. The supply chain definitely needed streamlining before the thought of increasing the business’s scale of operation could become feasible. It was for this reason that the company’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) launched three strategic priorities in…show more content…
What appears in records as far as stocking is concerned may fail to match with what is physically available, and unless the discrepancy is noted and corrective measure taken promptly, Cisco will never produce the right quantities to match the demand in the market. Since the IoT has sensory capabilities, it will always provide accurate data regarding inventory figures, thereby informing the company’s production department. Also, the IoT will give exact numbers concerning the demand for Cisco’s products in the market. The company can then compare this with the stock available and determine whether to manufacture more or not. The company’s supply chain reaction to inventory changes will thus be more real-time when the IoT is deployed than it is at the moment. Additionally, it will satisfy the customers more as products will be available always as and when they need them. Hence Cisco should consider integrating the IoT in its supply

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