Romeo And Juliet

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Some of the dramatic techniques that were used by Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet are Tone and Diction, Irony, and Foreshadowing. These three techniques are used to help support the major theme that “Family ties are important because one’s blood is much important that any hatred towards another”. Throughout Romeo and Juliet we can see these three being used and how drastically they impact the scene by creating suspense and catching and keeping the attention of the reader/audience. Tone and Diction are a key technique utilized by Shakespeare. The scenes depend on the mood in order for the reader/audience to receive the intensity or comedic effect that is being displayed. Tone and Diction help build the mood of…show more content…
Shakespeare uses dramatic irony to build on the personalities of the characters and the situation itself and it why ultimately, Dramatic plays a major role in the story. In Act 3 Scene 1, dramatic is displayed when Tybalt's challenges Romeo to fight him and when he refuses no one understands why he does not want to fight Tybalt. However, the audience is informed of the hidden motives behind Romeo’s actions. It is stated that “I do protest I never injured thee, but love thee better than thou canst devise, till thou shalt know the reason of my love. And so, good Capulet—which name I tender as dearly as my own—be satisfied” (Act 3, Scene 1). Tybalt and Mercutio are instigating a fight between Tybalt and Romeo. However, Romeo does not want to fight Tybalt because he feels likes that would be disrespectful to Juliet and it would hurt her in the end and he did not want her to get hurt because of him. But, since no one besides Nurse, Friar Laurence, Juliet and Him knew about the marriage, the other characters did not understand his reasoning behind not wanting to fight and instantly concluded that he was simply being a coward. Another Instance in which a similar event that displayed is when Juliet is about to drinks the poison. She places a dagger on the dresser just in case the poison doesn’t work. This is dramatic irony because the audience knows that she is going to die for the dagger being stabbed in her heart later. This also counts as foreshadowing which brings us to our next dramatic

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