Like Water For Chocolate Gender Analysis

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The three novels Things Fall Apart, Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, and Like Water for Chocolate each represent a certain culture. In each novel whether it be societal pressure, or family expectations, women are suppose to fit into the ideal gender role. Yet female characters such as Ekwefi, Tita, and the little Chinese seamstress stray from the norm. They support the theory that having the courage to explore outside the gender roles will result in personal success. Achebe explains that a woman is expected to be inferior to a man in the culture represented in the novel Things Fall Apart. The prime crop for the people in Things Fall Apart is the yam. Yams symbolize a “mans crop” compared to the lesser crops such as cocoyams,…show more content…
During the times inspired by the Mexican Revolution it is key to be an obedient daughter. Unlike the societal pressures of being a woman in Things Fall Apart, in this novel, mama Elena’s expectations are what mold the perfect daughter. Tita, being the youngest daughter of the De La Garza family has to face many disadvantage that her other siblings did not experience. Mama Elena explains, “ You [Tita] know perfectly well that being the youngest daughter means you have to take care of me until the day I die” (22). Mama Elena’s stressful rules only make Tita want to rebel. As the youngest child Tita cannot hold an opinion about anything. Mama Elena explains “For generations, not a single person in my family has every questioned this tradition, and no daughter of mine is going to be the one to start” (27). Although not the youngest Tita’s sister, Rosaura is the perfect example of an obedient daughter. Rosaura does not have to go through the struggles Tita goes through, yet she is perceived as the perfect daughter in Mama Elena’s eyes. Rosaura fulfilled her responsibility of marrying a man and giving birth to children. Rosaura being a role model, Tita must also fulfill her duties as the youngest

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