Robert Frost Poetry Analysis

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Poetic strategy of returning to the wildernessof abandoned experience—all serve to indicate…[his] ambiguous position in relation to what wecall modern literature. Though his career fullyspans the modern period and it is impossible tospeak of him as anything other than a modern poet, it is difficult to place him in the main current of modern poetry. (1962:138) Because Frost's poetry has been responsive and illustrative of the Americans' taste and aspirations, the latter have considered him their singer and bard to be acclaimed as America's Grand Man of Poetry as pointed out by Adlia Stevenson. (Grave,1985:2). Moreover, who is generally considered as one of the most prominent American poets of the 20th century, he…show more content…
The analyses of the poems concentrate on the natural imagery employed by the poet to serve his poetic and philosophical stand. The choice falls on this poet because he is regarded as one of the finest twentieth-century poets of New England. He was very well known for his simple and direct technique which is employed to present to his readers profound ideas and thought. Because he was born in a city of most beautiful landscapes, a rural environment characterized by natural beauty, frost could by no means escape depicting nature which has surrounded him during his life time. Frost is always considered a modern poet for the fact that his poetry comprises most of the characteristic features of modern poetry-esotericism, ambiguity, colloquial language, the dramatic persona, themes related to the modern individual’s issues and man’s life and experience as a whole, not to mention the poet’s understanding of human nature and of the problems of the individual that is living in modern times and dominated by a world of science and breakthroughs.…show more content…
The first is concerned with the mower who enjoys both his work and his surrounding, he is the mower hay. “The Tuft of Flowers” speaks of the person who follows the mower after several hours to turn the cut grass so that it may dry more thoroughly. He finds the meadow deserted, although he looks and listens for his predecessor. He would like to have human companionship, but he must forego it and, instead, work physically alone. He accepts the fact that a man must depend upon himself whether he is alone or with others. But nature does not leave him to his solitude. A butterfly in search of a flower directs his eye to a tuft of flowers the early morning scythe had spared, and Frost explains in the closing

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