Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War

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Robert Cormier’s book “The Chocolate War.” is one of those books were you read one chapter and it makes you want to read more. It made me anyways. It’s a great novel. It is a fiction book which had a copyright in 1974. This book makes me want to read more books of his. I don’t like to read often but it got my attention. The chocolate war? What comes to mind when you think about the title? I thought it was about a real war. When I started to read it I realized that it’s about a young boy who has a rough life because his mom passed away and he has to sell chocolate for his teacher. I think the book is a great book for teens to read. I liked how it kept me interested a lot. The beginning of the book was a little confusing at first but it all made sense at the end of the book. The author clearly wanted you to wonder what it’s all about and make you read more and…show more content…
It’s way too much chocolate for them to sell anyways. Jerry starts to get bullied and picked on every day because he won’t sell the chocolate. He starts to turn into a nobody. Jerry’s good friend “Goober” starts to stand up and help him in any way possible. Goober feels so for Jerry because no one understands why he doesn’t want to sell the chocolate. He shouldn’t get bullied into selling them. It’s wrong and the older boys shouldn’t be mad at jerry because of it. Goober believes. He started selling the chocolate for Jerry to help him out. Jerry remembers how he lost his mom. She was a hardworking and very nice. It was a very hard time for him and his father. Jerry started to see memories as he watched his father sleep. Jerry decides to join the football team. Maybe to get it off his mind? I don’t see how Jerry likes playing he gets manhandled on the field but he oases the ball to goober and goober runs fast and makes a touchdown. The coach was really happy with Jerry and

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