Robert Atkins: The Atkins Diet

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ATKINS DIET Robert Atkins, in 1960’s started implementing a diet called “Atkins diet” after the paper that was published by “The Journal of the American Association”. This was a special diet plan that was constructed to overcome “Obesity and overweight disorders”, but later Robert Atkins popularized this concept worldwide through his journals called “Diet revolution”. Simply saying, Atkins diet is basically a low carbohydrate content, but rich in fiber and roughage content. A Brief Approach: This diet actually goes according to the “Metabolism Advantage” Theory, which states that consumption of carbohydrates induces a process called Kerosis (It is a metabolism of glucose or stored fat to different forms of energy) and Liposlysis (It is a process…show more content…
Also many companies focused on low carbohydrate food, which lead to drop in sales of fast foods to…show more content…
This phase involves consumption of extremely low carbohydrate content. This includes treated vegetables, Spinach, broccoli, turnips, meat, poultry, fish varieties, etc. A special introduction of “Caffeine and Alcohol” products were introduced, but in very small amounts. A normal diet followed in the induction phase is consumption of fresh vegetables and other products in small amounts say 20 gram to 75 gram. Alcoholic drinks or beverage items can cause side effects; hence they need to be strictly prevented. As a supplement to all these diet plans, a medicine called “Ketostix” is taken in order to know the outcomes of “Ketogenesis” taking place in their body. A survey shows that it is highly useful for people who are “Non- Diabetic” because they show accurate readings and it is not recommended for patients with stage 2 or stage 3 “Diabetes Mellitus”. ONGOING WEIGHT LOSS (OWL) PHASE OWL or Ongoing Weight loss program is the second phase in which the intake levels are raised to a little higher level as compared to the previous phase. The main objective of this plan is to “Analyze and find the perfect diet plan to be followed with its corresponding amounts”. Therefore this phase is known as “experimental phase”, where different rungs or combinations of food are taken. The target of this phase is to reduce at least 10 pounds of the body

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