Risk Of Homelessness

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Every person on earth is impacted by homelessness either directly or indirectly. “On any given night in the United States there are 1.6-2 million homeless youth living on the streets, in shelters, or in other temporary accommodations.” (Edidin, Ganim, Hunter, and Karnik, 2012, p. 354) Everyone knows that homelessness exists but few people know about the long term affect the experience has on the victim and what it means for society as a whole. This is a growing concern for the whole world as the incidence of homelessness becomes more rampant. Depending on the age of the person, duration, and the severity of exposure to the risk factors associated with the experience of being homeless the impact has varying degrees of lifelong destruction. Adolescent…show more content…
Homeless women are vulnerable to contracting diseases due to the fact that they undergo unsafe living environments. The high risk situations they are subjected to for survival are increased through drug and alcohol addiction. Sexual trauma is not only considered a cause for homelessness but is prevalent during homelessness as well. A significant percentage of homeless youth identify as gay or lesbian and report that their orientation created family conflict that led to homelessness. Mental illness is perpetuated on the streets and will likely prevail throughout life. Several natural life transitions are missed by the homeless that people take for granted, such as marriage and education. The reality of not having support from a family creates situations and unhealthy thought processes that further exposes teen girls to health risks like teen…show more content…
The consequences of this lifestyle are tragic, leading to “HIV, Hepatitis C Virus, and other sexually transmitted diseases” (Roy et al. 2011 p. 767) Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to homelessness, and contribute to keeping someone homeless. Parents that do drugs and alcohol might neglect their children exposing them to risky situations that lead to sexual abuse. Edidin Et al. (2012) found that a vast majority of youth becoming homeless are related to “parental drug and alcohol use…parental abandonment, family violence and neglect, as well as sexual, physical, and psychological abuse.” (p. 356). Some parents are the abusers and may be too high to know what they are doing. Kern and Levin display parental drug and alcohol addiction and the trauma that adolescents deal with in the process, including abuse and neglect. “23.7% of youth reported having been sexually abused before the age of 14” (Roy et al., 2011, p. 772). Parents who have differences with their children and are rigid will not be accepting of a child who does not fit in to their standards of sexuality. Therefore, homelessness can increase and become more prevalent based on the youth’s sexual orientation considering that “20-40% of homeless youth identify as LGBT.” (Edidin, et al., 2012, p.
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