Risk Factors That Contribute To Homelessness

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There are many risk factors that can contribute to homelessness. Problems with money seem to be a main contributing factor. Most public assistance remains under the poverty wage, and people living in poverty with little assistance or low paying jobs, have trouble paying regular bills and unexpected expenses. Sudden job loss can cause someone to miss one payment on his or her rent, even if they find a new job a week or two later. Automobiles can also contribute to homelessness. When an automobile breaks down, it can prevent the owner from getting to their job and also causes unexpected repair expenses. Lack of a vehicle not only prevents someone from going to a job, but can also prevent someone from looking for a job if they do not have one. If someone does not have a job or an income, they cannot afford a car, which forms an endless cycle. The lack of affordable housing is also an issue. Many people have to resort to living in bad areas or finding a roommate to share a living space to be able to afford it. Roommates pose a problem themselves because if they do not pay their half of the bills, it could cause the responsible roommate to also be evicted and homeless. Physical illness and disability are also a cause for…show more content…
Family problems seem to be a predominant risk factor. Some of the most common family problems that contribute to homelessness are divorce or breakups, lack of child support, and domestic violence. Tragedy is also a risk for homelessness and can include natural disasters, man-made disasters such as a house fire, and death of a family member. Substance abuse and mental illness are major factors in the homeless community and pose a major risk for those who experience them. Although some of these risk factors make intervention difficult, there are assessment tools to aid in the prevention and diversion of homelessness. (Factors contributing to

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