Foster Children Stigmas

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Abstract When a person is labeled, it can come with a negative assumption that causes the labeled person to be treated unfairly and unjustly. In this summary, I will be discussing two examples of Stigmas/Discrimination which was created through society, that negatively impacts foster care children. In addition I will describe how these stigmas are developed and how they affect early child development. Finally, I will integrate the required readings and varying viewpoints of Pathology/Trauma, Positive Psychology, and Consumer survivor perspective. Keywords: Social Determinants, Child Development, Foster Children, Trauma, Resilience, Stigma/Discrimination, Consumer Survivor, Positive Psychology, Child Development According to assigned group…show more content…
Children who spend their early years in an unstimulating, emotionally and physically unsupportive environments (such as foster children); can be affected the brain development in negative ways. This can ultimately lead to cognitive, social and behavioral problems. There are many myths and stereotypes in regards to foster care children, these misconceptions can make it harder to be "normal" for the foster child. Even though some foster children may have special needs, identifying them can stigmatize children. The Labeling theory explains how a label can cause people to be treated differently based solely on the label, those who are labeled will then in turn feel the need to fulfill the labels that have been given to them, even if those labels are assumptions. In researching, I found two common stigmas that were associated with foster children, which I’ve stated…show more content…
Findings of the study were that educators had an overall negative view of foster youth. This could be due to the fact that educators are unaware of a child’s status of being in the foster care system until a behavioral problem has occurred. Therefore, foster child and behavior problems become one and the same. Teachers come to expect all foster youth to behave poorly because they are only aware of foster students who cause disruptions. Each time foster children are moved, they lose stability in their daily lives, with implications for an ability to focus on their

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