Rene Descartes Dream Argument

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NTRO In Rene Descartes’s Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes presents his detailed philosophical system. Through his discourse, Descartes uses six meditations to dispose of all theories and beliefs that are not absolutely certain, and then aims to form what can be known for sure. One specific argument that Descartes writes on this subject is his dream argument. In Descartes’ dream argument seen in his first meditation, Descartes argues that a person can never be sure that the beliefs they have of the real world, formed by their own experiences in life, are true because dreaming and being awake are not differentiable. In this paper, I will argue that this argument fails because there are definite signs to distinguish someone being awake from someone being asleep. DESCRIBE DESCARTES DREAM ARGUMENT Possibly the strongest support that Descartes offers for in his dream argument is that one cannot distinguish being awake from being asleep because for any experience you have asleep or while dreaming there is a similar experience you can have when you are awake. This ultimately leads to his conclusion…show more content…
No matter what actions you are doing, whether it be running, flying over the amazon rain forest, or breaking a bone, you are able to experience yourself doing it in real life when you are in the dream. In the dream you are able to experience these things by senses such as feeling tired when you run, seeing the forest when you fly over it, or feeling the pain of breaking a bone. All of these things that you are able to experience in a dream are able to be experienced in real life. Despite this, no aspect of dreams tells you that you are in a dream. Which can be seen vice versa in Descartes concluding argument that nothing when you are awake can prove that you are not in a

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