Meridian Tres Case Study

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MV Meridian Tres is a cargo vessel in the Philippines. It was built on the 1998 which is mainly made up of steel with 86.52x12.8 x—m dimensions and a tonnage of 2528 grt Unfortunately the said vessel lasted only for nineteen years due to the fact that it was reported lost with the reasons of capsized and cargo shift in between the areas of Bohol and Leyte. What really happened to the cargo vessel MV Meridian incident? What was the story behind it? According to a legitimate source, as the captain narrates what happened through an interview it was stated that, there were only strong winds and an even calm sea by passed one pm as they left the port. Unfortunately, after six hours the intensity of the sea has increased which then brought big waves. That is when huge waves and strong winds start to batter the vessel. It was also mention by the captain himself that the heavy sea has caused the stack of containers loaded on the deck to shift from its proper place to another. Right there and…show more content…
Since another reason given by the legitimate source is that cargo shift.Lashing it with security and sure is going to prevent the tendency of the cargo containers to move along the deck from one place to another and to misplace itself from its actual and proper position or the cargo may list to any point on the deck of the ship. Because if that moment comes, the vessel will then be unable to maintain its stability making itself imbalanced. By making the ship itself unstable means that it has a greater possibility to head towards the capsizing of the vessel. Another different possible way is that, each one working in the vessel or the crews should be responsible and hardworking enough of the job entitled to them. They must work well and double check things before leaving the port. As they work, they must fully take in their respective duties and responsibilities to prevent such

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