Relationships In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet The story of “Romeo and Juliet” is full of relationships. The way certain relationships impact others, what relationships result in, envy of others, and a whole bunch of aspects that all lead to one thing; Love. The rebellion of Romeo and Juliet is portrayed through the ways they interact with their parents, their own actions and the result of their parent’s opinion. The interaction between the “Star cross’d lovers” and their parents may seem quite bitter. Although the text does not state the actual relationship, the reader can interpret these thoughts and opinions. In the Capulet household, the relationship was quite simple. The nurse was more of a mother figure towards Juliet, daughter of the Capulet’s, than Lady Capulet was. Capulet wanted nothing but all well for his only daughter. Aggressively, he showed his love. “’But fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next, To go with Paris to Saint Peter’s…show more content…
In modern day, this may seem repulsive that a father speaks to his daughter with such tone of voice and language but arranged marriage and father control was often in this time period. Capulet spoke through frustration of love. Within the Montague house, Romeo and his parents were not mentioned together often. Romeo was willing to give up his name so he and Juliet could be together. Juliet told Romeo to “’Deny thy father and refuse thy name.’” (Shakespeare II. ii. 34), however, she did not once state she would give up the Capulet title. Because Romeo did not have any second thoughts about refusing the Montague name, this shows he had low respect and care for his parents and the name his parents brought upon him. In my opinion, the overall relationship and interactions are negative because they both went against family wishes and developed an intimate relationship with a member of the feuding family. In the 12th century, this was considered a rebellious
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