Righteous Indignation In Romeo And Juliet

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In act III, V of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the argument within the Capulet family creates a tone of righteous indignation. For example, Lord Capulet refers to Juliet as baggage. Baggage is something that unnecessarily weighs you down . This is significant because it shows that as a result of his anger Lord Capulet wishes to get rid of Juliet. Additionally, Lord Capulet says to Juliet that he will “drag thee on a hurdle thither”. This means that he wishes to publicly humiliate Juliet if she refuses to marry paris. This demonstrates how Lord Capulet feels such strong indignation towards Juliet that he no longer cares what happens to her. Furthermore, another example of Lord Capulet's anger is that he says regarding Juliet “Doth

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