Evangelical Theology: Carl F. H. Henry And Bernard Ramm

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Evangelical Theology Essay In the second half of the twentieth century, the age of the Enlightenment, the results between Christians or the “fundamentalist” and the conservative evangelicals began to manifest (Grenz & Olson, 1992). There were two main theological arguments perpetuated by Carl F. H. Henry and Bernard Ramm, who both had their roots in the evangelicalism and were out to critically address emerging issues concerning modern theology and fundamentalism (Spradley, 1992). In summary, this essay will critically evaluate Grenz & Olson’s assertions of evangelical theology by exploring God’s transcendence and immanence according to evangelical theologies propagated by Carl F. H. Henry and Bernard Ramm. Carl F. H. Henry is largely regarded…show more content…
He believed that Christianity could be used as a means to bring about reforms in the justice system. His conviction was that to bring about any meaningful social change, the change had to start with one individual to another and the church must rely on societal transformation guided by God’s divine scriptures. Also the church should stop depending on governmental for church programs; this came about as a reaction towards fundamentalist believers who didn’t have social programs. It’s has to be about the way one sees salvation and the…show more content…
Wanting to confirm the many arrows pointing to the truth of the gospel, he focused on the “three concentric circles (Spiritual experience historical evidence and synoptic vision). This did not represent any basic change for Ramm, because he already saw value in each of these elements, it was more like a creative reshuffling of the apologetic deck” (Pinnock, 1990, p. 20). This would go against the fundamentalist way of thinking, but Ramm viewed them as working together in a growing manner for any person seeking

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