Radiology Career Path

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Radiology is one of the fastest growing professions in the medical field. These professionals can be found in hospitals, clinics, private doctors' offices and diagnostic imaging centers and as a career is constantly growing. People thinking about a career in radiology can train like a radiology technician, a radiologic technologist, a radiation therapist or perhaps a radiologist. The difference between a technician and a technologist is that a technician's training is generally limited in scope while a technologist's training is extremely rigorous and includes both didactic and clinical training. Both technicians and technologists are responsible for preparing radiation equipment and making sure they function properly, correctly positioning patients before taking the X-ray. However technologist may be the more popular career path in the field of radiology. Radiologists are licensed physicians which has a medical degree. The career path you're considering will determine the amount of your training but typically radiology schools offer two to four year training programs contributing to a certificate, associate degree or possibly a bachelor's degree. Requirements for entry in to the schools alter from one school to an alternative but most require…show more content…
Admission to schools with limited slots might be based on top quality point averages and site tests. Some radiology schools may also require that potential students for getting firsthand knowledge of what a career in radiology entails by chilling observing in the hospital radiology department . Radiology training includes courses in anatomy and physiology, radiologic theory and science, medical terminology, radiologic procedures and safety. These programs likewise incorporate practical training through clinical rotations where students discover ways to operate the device in addition to patient

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