Ultrasound Technician Research Paper

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You know those days when your parents say “A new member is about to be added to the family”, and your mom has to go to the doctor to see what she’s having. The people that does the Ultrasounds are called Ultrasound Technician. When you are an Ultrasound Technician you do different types of X-rays on people for different medical procedures. Ultrasound Technician can X-ray different parts of the body such as the kidneys, stomach, and to see what the sex of the baby. There are different types of Technicians, such as Sonography uses sound waves to move images. Radiology Technicians perform diagnostic imaging exams and administer radiation therapy treatments. Ultrasound Technicians is commonly used to obstetrics, but it can also diagnose…show more content…
The reason I choose to be an Ultrasound Technician is because you can tell women the stages of the pregnancy and show them the images during there trimester. I think as a Ultrasound Technician I will be able bring more joy to the mother especially when they want to see the baby image for the first time and to get the sex of the baby. The smile of a mother’s face I bet is a beautiful thing to see a small baby is growing inside her everyday. The good part about being a ultrasound technicians is you get to tell your patient the sex of the sex of the baby . The baby could be either a boy or a girl . Then you could tell the mom that they are either having a single , Twins , or triplets…show more content…
To be a ultrasound technician , you will need to have a college degree . The college degree you need is called the ARDMS . The type of personality you will need is to be a calm and a not a impatient person. If you are calm and not a impatient person you wouldn’t hear complaints from your patients . The type of character you will need to be is a respectful one . If you are respectful to your patients , your patients will respond back to you in a respectful manner also . Next is what will it take for you to get to where you need to be

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