Race In Sociological Research

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The concept of race and what it means to people today varies from place to place. Despite the increase in global contacts, scientists are skeptical about the concept of race as social construction. There is an ongoing to debate about what “race” actually means and how is it used in terms of categorizing people. As the biological variations increase, differences among people of same groups are visible. Over time people began to show more and more similarities in different ways. Race is only used in terms of the appearance of people and what they have in common biologically. Introduction Although historical perspectives show racial differences as a biological factor, recent studies show that race is more a social than a biological factor. To…show more content…
Recent discoveries show that modern humans have a common ancestor. Before civilizations became what they are today, Homo Sapiens emerged in Africa and migrated to other parts of the world (Gabbidon, 2013, p. 1). From what is known, these “species” traveled into different regions and eventually evolved over time according to their surroundings (Gabbidon, 2013, p. 2). The characteristics seen in people today in different parts of the world are due to the climate changes in that specific area. Had these humans not migrated to other parts of the world, the idea of race would be far from approach. In addition scientists have also discovered that the humans share about 99% of the DNA and that 1% is what gives them their unique appearances (Genetics, 2014). There is a greater chance of differences between people of like physical traits rather than those of different. The skin color of people distinguished to be Caucasian or “white” do not always show such traits. Even in this group, skin color “ranges from very light to very dark” (Macionis, 2013, p.341). For instance, many “white” people from Southern India tend to have darker skin. In addition, there are “black” people who have fairly light skin and also ranges from light to dark (Macionis, 2013, p. 341). Despite the major differences seen in their physical appearances, blacks,…show more content…
341). There is not just one society in this world and each one may not interpret the concept of race same as the other. As civilizations began to emerge, as did the number of groups. The increasing number of civilizations and the groups, led to classification of beliefs and preferences (Machery et. al , 2005, p.1210). These preferable cultural beliefs expanded from broader groups to race. Societies, as they began, separated people by their religion, skin color, socioeconomic status and etc. Race is determined by the biological features, however, it is a concept created by people for social purposes. There is no question that people have many differences in their physical traits. However, the human categorizations when it is considered important to a society (Macionis, 2013, p.340). Race becomes important to societies when they prefer a certain order in the society. Historical events in the U.S shows the preference of racial hierarchy. “Whites” or people of very light skin color, were considered to be “pure”. This gave many reason to believe that they were more dominant while others were inferior. Throughout history, people of color were separated from every part of the society that had anything to do with

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