The Pros And Cons Of Raising The Drinking Age

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More and more children who are under the legal age to drink alcohol are choosing to drink alcohol everyday. It’s a bit heartbreaking what society has become to this day. If even more children are going to choose to drink alcohol, their future will be in jeopardy. Thousands of children who are underage are drinking alcohol. They can easily lose their lives to alcohol poisoning at any time they take a sip of alcohol. The most common reason why children and teens are doing this is because of influencers and stress. Since this is happening, it would be best to raise the legal drinking age because the diseases from alcohol are effecting underaged drinkers, the brain is not fully developed until age 25, and too many underaged drinkers’ education and lives are at risk. It’s best to raise the drinking age because the diseases from alcohol are effecting underaged drinkers. The liver is at risk of being damaged by drinking alcohol, since the liver is the organ that takes in the alcohol as said in Medical News Today. The liver can only take in so much alcohol. If it takes in too much alcohol,…show more content…
US News specifically states, “A total of 2,200 Americans die from alcohol poisoning each year.” ( para. 6) Most of these deaths are from middle-aged people who pick the choice of drinking alcohol. Middle-age is like in the high teens or twenties. Alcohol poisoning is a big thing and even a dangerous thing. Alcohol poisoning is when too much alcohol is put into the system, causing the alcohol to start damaging the organs. The organs start to shut down, causing the air and blood circulation to stop. No one wants to suffer through any of that, so it's best to just raise the legal drinking age so kids who are underage can stop drinking alcohol and keep their organs and brains safe from the horrible toxins that are in the alcohol since the brain gets fully developed by age

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