Qualities Of Odysseus As A Hero In Homer's Odyssey

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In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus does prove to be a hero, because he didn't only does bad to make good, he has courage, and he also has strength. Throughout this amazing story, Odysseus shows off these amazing traits with his family, and crew. Odysseus's traits he shows us help him throughout the story, and give him the sharp edge he needs to succeed and win the battles he faces. My mom is very much a hero also, and has all of these qualities. My mom is my real-life hero, and she is the strongest, courageous, and smartest woman I know. Anything I need help with, or advice I need, my mom is always there, and Odysseus tries his best to be there for his men. Odysseus and my mom share some of the same qualities, but they also have some different…show more content…
Odysseus shows a marvelous amount of strength in the story. Through all the battles Odysseus faces, whether it's being trapped in the Cyclopes' cave in book 9, or trying to get his men under control, or make them listen, Odysseus has the strength to get through this. For example, Odysseus uses his enormous amount of strength to find a way to escape from the Cyclopes' cave. Odysseus also shows strength when, as mentioned before, he needs to keep his men under control in harmful situation, when they are all freaking out and don't know how to react. This is very key for the ship to maintain stable with the crew, and Odysseus does a very fine job of that throughout the story. Whenever my family is in trouble, my mom is always there for us to help us through the situation. My mom has so much strength it blows me away. The amount of pain Odysseus goes through, compared to my mom's pain, is very much alike. Odysseus needs strength in order to complete these hard tasks he is facing, and to get through these rough times, just to get home. Odysseus's strength is like no other in the story, as is my moms strength is real life. In addition to Odysseus's strength, he also shares with us another impact quality, and that is…show more content…
Intelligence is key when your put in a bad situation, or your family or friends are in danger, intelligence is the best thing you can have to face these harsh issues. Throughout the story, we see that Odysseus is very intelligent, and has a sharp edge over his enemies. Also, Odysseus does some pretty bad things in the story, but in the end, it's only to help him reach his family in the end, and to make good. My mom is also a very intelligent woman, especially when she is dealing with our family. She can sense when we have problems, know when we need help, know when we are hurt, or just have a problem in general. She always knows how to fix or deal with the problem she faces, and so does Odysseus. Odysseus knows how to get out of the battles, and knows how to manipulate his foes to a point where he can basically do what he wants with them. Odysseus also does something very smart, he disguises himself to test everyone's loyalty. This is very smart because only one person knows it actually him. This quote sums up Odysseus's intelligence pretty good, this says "Did I not keep my nerve, and use my wits to find a way out for us?" (Lines 776 -
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