Pros And Cons Of Transplantation

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Due to the near universal ban on the buying and selling of organs, it is impossible for a donor to contractually commit to donate an organ. In other words, even if two people agree to transact a good for compensation a third party will disapprove it and will prevent this transaction. As Alvin E. Roth developed in many articles, this kind of “repugnant transaction” is not repugnant in itself (organ donation is encouraged) but it becomes repugnant when money is added. The Article 21 of the Council or Europe’s Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human rights and Biomedicine on Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of Human Origin states: “The human body and its parts shall not, as such, give rise to financial gain”. In the United States as well, the National Organ Transplant Act states: “It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation if the transfer affects interstate commerce”. Except Iran, all countries prohibit the sale of organs. However, illegal…show more content…
Roth (2007) identified different ideas that have been proposed in that direction: restrictions on compensation, a single authorized buyer (the government), mandatory standards for postoperative care of donors, and bans on international trade. As reported by Friedman and Friedman (2006), the surgeon Arthur Matas “called for a regulated system of living kidney sales” (p. 961). Doctor Mata proposed a system with careful donor medical and psychological evaluations combined with a fix tax-free payment to the donor and an option of short - or long - term health and life insurance. Ambuelh, Niederle and Roth (2015) noted that in Israel, living donors are reimbursed “with an amount of money equal to 40 days of the donor’s average income during the three months prior donation” (p.

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