Eminem Research Paper

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Eminem is an American rapper who is widely known for his music and is arguably one of the most provocative artists of our time. Originally born, Marshall Mathers III, Eminem had suffered through a lot to be as successful as he is today. He uses his songs such as, “Hailie’s Song”, “Mockingbird” and even “Cleaning Out My Closet”, to tell stories about his life and the struggles he has had to overcome. Eminem’s rough upbringing and childhood motivated him to make music and influenced the songs that he has written over the last two decades (Eminem 1). Marshall Mathers III is the son of Deborah Mathers and his absentee father, Marshall Mathers Junior. His father abandoned him when he was only an infant. As a result, he was raised only by his mother. Debbie struggled to hold down a job so they were constantly moving and because of this, Marshall did not make many friends. As a child with a single parent and no friends, Marshall found it hard to open up and kept to himself most of the time (Eminem 1-2). Marshall never had a…show more content…
He recalls singing into a hairbrush in front of the mirror and practicing the songs he wrote. Marshall performed in his school’s talent show in 1986, but even though his raps were really good, he did not have much confidence. Shortly after, Marshall created his stage name, “M&M,” which stands for his initials, but later got changed to the spelling “Eminem.” Eminem made flyers to promote himself and gave one to another rapper named DeShaun “Proof” Holton. Proof lived in his neighborhood and after hearing Eminem rap, they became great friends. Although they went to different schools, Eminem would sneak Proof into the cafeteria and they would perform their raps for everyone at lunch. This was Eminem’s first real friend, someone that shared a common interest with him as well as respected his talent

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