Pros And Cons Of DNA Profiling

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Genomics in the News DNA Profiling Rhys Kavanagh-Jones | ANiccol | TG: 22 DNA profiling is the use and storage of a DNA fingerprint. A DNA fingerprint can be used to identify people and when coupled with the raw capability and processing power of a database• the DNA profile becomes a tool for many to wield. DNA profiling can be used to solve crimes, track people and even perform paternity tests. • (Science Museum of London, DNA Profiling) Regardless of affinity DNA Profiling will affect everyone who lives in a society where the tool is in use, there is no way to truly determine whether DNA Profiling is right or wrong and for what reasons but it can be said that the politics behind the issue can cause tensions to rise and opinions to formulate.…show more content…
As is common belief a DNA database shared between select government branches and the Police could prove to be an invaluable tool for solving crimes and bringing crimals to justice. Many belive this is the way forward and that a shared DNA database could prove useful in protecting the general public. As with any issue centric to privacy there are complexities. Some believe that DNA profiling draws a fine line between privacy and security. This opinion is situated around the question of; “when does the need for security become more important than the need for privacy?” If for example in the event that entry into a national or even international DNA database at birth becamame compulsory would this be wrong? Is endangering the privacy and confidenciality of innocent people in the attempt to increase security worth the invasion of privacy? It can be confidentaly said that a DNA database containing the profiles of every person in a given population would increase security whilst conjunctivilty diminishing privacy, giving whoever controls the database extreme

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