The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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Hydraulic fracturing has been around for several years as a controversial topic. Fracking is a controversial topic, because of how it might impact the environment, and the pros/cons of it. Many people think fracking is good, because of all the jobs it has created, and the money it has brought in to the economy. Others think fracking is bad, because of the pollution and health problems. In this paper, I plan to talk about why fracking is such a hot topic, what kind of problem is it, and how it works. I will also mention how the environment is being impacted, and the pros and cons of fracking. Fracking is a controversial topic, because of the environmental concerns. Fracking uses huge amounts of water that has to be transported to the site.…show more content…
The vertical well can be one to two miles deep. Sometimes even more. This well is then coated in steel or cement to reduce the risk of leaking into the groundwater. When this perpendicular well reaches a deep-seated blanket of rock where oil and natural gas can be found, this well is curved 90 degrees. Then they begin to drill horizontally. This drilling can continue for more than one mile from the end of the vertical well. Once the well is completely drilled fracking fluid is sent into the well at exceedingly high pressure. This pressure can reach 9,000 pounds per square inch. This pressure causes fractures in the surrounding rocks creating cracks which liquids can flow through. These liquids include oil and gas. The fluid that’s sent into the well to break the rocks is called slickwater. Slickwater is pretty much all water, but it can have a very big range of chemicals and additives. These chemicals or additives are used for an engineering purpose. These additives can include salts, alcohols, acids, lubricants, disinfectants, and detergents. Chemical additives normally make up 0.5 to 2 percent of this fluid. The rest of the 98 to 99.5 percent have normal water. Along with the water and chemical additives, ceramic particles and sand are also put in the well. The ceramic particles and sand are called proppants. Proppants combined to open the fractures which can form under pressure, making sure oil and gas can move…show more content…
On average 400 tanker trucks are needed to move water and supplies from each gas well. This water is blended with chemicals and sand to create the fracking fluid I mentioned earlier. For each fracturing 40,000 gallons of chemicals are used. In fracking fluid up to 600 chemicals are used. Some of these include carcinogens, and toxins including mercury, radium, uranium, lead, ethylene glycol, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde, and methanol. This fluid is is injected into the ground using pressure into a drilled pipeline. When this mixture reaches the end of the well, the high pressure can cause nearby rock to crack. This create fissures where natural gas is located and flows into the well. While this process is occurring toxin chemicals and methane gas harm the groundwater and drain away from the system. In drinking-water wells methane combinations are 17 times higher near fracking sites than in regular wells. Polluted well water is needed for drinking water in nearby towns and cities. Over 1,000 logged cases of water pollution next to areas of gas drilling. Respiratory, sensory, and neurological damage which is due to consuming polluted water. Approximately 30-50% of fracking fluid is redeemed, the rest is still in the ground. Fracking fluid is not biodegradable. Waste fluid is left in open pits to dissipate. This releases detrimental volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere. This creates polluted air,

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