Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment

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1. About Capital Punishment The dictionary definition of capital punishment or death penalty is a government sanctioned practice where the state punishes the criminal by taking away their life. The act of capital punishment is also often known as execution and the crimes which can result in being sentenced the death penalties are known as capital crimes or capital offences. Currently 58 countries officially retain capital punishment, when over 102 countries had abolished the punishment for all the crimes. Including the abolitionist in practice countries and countries which abolished the punishment for ordinary circumstances; the number grows up to 140. The capital punishment is debated in a very large scale. In the EU and the Council of Europe the capital punishment is banned, leading to complete abolishment of capital punishment all over western and central Europe. Even though the United Nations General Assembly had tried over 8 years to generally abolish the capital punishment, many countries in Africa, Asia and Middle East, and several giant or developed countries such as China, India, USA and Japan still keeps capital punishments as a type of their punishment. Over 60% of the world population is…show more content…
Most countries usually held executions for major heavy crimes such as murder, treason, rape and espionage, when some religious or unforgiving states also held executions for crimes such as adultery, incest and sodomy. Currently, USA takes drug trafficking and homicide extremely seriously, often resulting in death penalty. In China, human trafficking and corruption cases are often dealt with capital punishment. The countries with strong military or in the military threat among their neighbor, such as Russia, North Korea, China and many Middle East countries, often impose death sentences for cowardice, mutiny, insubordination and
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