Negative Effects Of Fast Food

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Fast food is convenient and cheap. For large families, people on the go or those on a strict budget, fast food can seem like the best solution. However, a diet composed mainly of fast food lacks many essential nutrients. Eating fast food once in a while won’t affect our health, but if this is all we eat. we might end up with a vitamin deficiency. Between 2007 and 2010, the average American adult got approximately 11.3 percent of his calories from fast food, with younger people eating more fast food than older people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The people with the highest body mass indexes tended to be those who ate the most fast food. The nutrient content of fast food is very poor, putting people who eat a…show more content…
Schröder, H., Fïto, M., & Covas, M.,(2007) said that fast food products are often characterized by their high content of fat and sugars, high palatability, large portion size and high energy density. The researchers explained that French fries and fried meat from fast¬ food outlets contain high amounts of industrially produced trans-fatty acids. Trans fats are fats in margarine, spreads, and frying oils, produced by industrial hardening of vegetable or marine oils, to make the product more stable and robust for handling and storage (Stender S,…show more content…
But most trans fat is shaped through a mechanical handle that includes hydrogen to vegetable oil, which causes the oil to gotten to be strong at room temperature. This in part hydrogenated oil is less likely to ruin, so foods made with it have a longer rack life. A few eateries utilize somewhat hydrogenated vegetable oil in their profound fryers since it doesn't have to be changed as frequently as do other oils. In a worldwide study of the content of Industrially Produced Trans-Fatty Acids (IP-TFA) in fast foods, biscuits, and snacks, we found contents of IP-TFA ranging up to 50% of the fat in the products, enabling consumers to ingest 36 g of IP-TFA in a single meal in the US (Stender S, Dyerberg J, Bysted A, Leth T, Astrup A. A Trans World Journey, 2006). Other than saying (Mozaffarian D, Katan MB, Ascherio A, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. Trans fatty acids and cardiovascular disease, 2006) a daily intake of 5 g trans fat, corresponding to 2 energy percent, is associated with an approximately 30% increase in Coronary Heart Disease, (CHD) risk. Lack of nutrient by fast food may affect our lives. Nutrients are the nourishing substances in food that are essential for the growth, development and maintenance of body functions. Essential meaning that if a nutrient is not present, aspects of function and therefore human health decline. When nutrient intake does not regularly meet the nutrient needs dictated
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