Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement is putting hinders to many lives in communities across America.” Racial profiling" refers to the targeting of particular individuals by law enforcement authorities based not on their behavior, but rather their personal characteristics.” While the controversial term "racial profiling" which doesn't have a consistent definition, but in today's literature this seems to be two clear definitions, a narrow definition and abroad definition
When we open our eyes every morning to start our day, we experience a great amount of events, the majority of which are multisensory in nature. Our sensory channels receive modality specific information from the environment and our brain processes these sensory inputs in order to form a coherent percept. The merging of our different senses, known as multisensory integration, has been the subject of research for more than 60 years and has been investigated both behaviorally and neuroscientifically