Pride In The Canterbury Tales

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“Now is it bihovely thyng to telle whiche been the sevene deedly synnes, this is to seyn, chiefaynes of synnes. Alle they renne in o lees, but in diverse manneres. Now been they cleped chieftaynes, for as muche as they been chief and spryng of alle othere synnes.” -Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales Pride is the sin of sins. It’s an excessive belief in one's own abilities that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. With a negative meaning, pride refers to an inflated sense of one's personal status or accomplishments. With a positive meaning, pride refers to a satisfied sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known…show more content…
We are very involved in our community and when you’ve got hundreds of people showing support at games it’s hard not to be proud, it’s hard not to feel a sense of pride. I mean, we are Knight Nation, only a proud school could come up with that. Sometimes we may get a little too proud, there is a certain level of pride that just becomes cockiness. Most people don’t like being around the trait of cockiness because it can get annoying, constantly shining the spotlight on you and being the center of attention isn’t exactly fun. Cockiness is an extreme sense of pride and comfort in any…show more content…
We have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the right to carry on your day as you wish the right to attend school no matter what race or gender you are and we have democracy in which we have the right to vote and give our input on the leadership of our great country. We have a lot to be proud of as a nation. Muslim refugees are crossing into America as we speak, trying to get away from the struggles they have faced for so long. They have heard of everything America has to offer and they want a taste, they see the American pride and they want some. Some of our nation’s leaders have stated there standing, making it clear that they do not want these refugees in America due to the tragedy in Paris and their connection with ISIS. They show a pride in America of “we worked for this and you can’t have any”, it’s a very selfish pride. Other leaders, such as our President Obama, have stated that no matter what the connection, we cannot be judgmental or discriminatory toward one single race or religion. They have a pride in our country bearing the values and morals America was built on, they have pride in where America is today, how far it’s come and how it’s gotten here, and it’s the humble, merciful kind. In the past, Germany lost all of their pride after the genocide of the Jews. Germany was a disgrace, the world hated them, disgusted by them, and Germany was just speechless. There were no
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