Comparing Pardoner's Tale 'And The Canterbury Tales'

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Canterbury Tales There're quite a few stories in Canterbury Tales, but I will be comparing and contrasting two of them. I will be using "The Pardoners Tale" and "The Nun’s Priest Tale". Both of these stories are very interesting to read and they keep me connected by using didacticism, which is intended to teach a moral.These two stories serve as excellent Folk Tales. Both of these books, the "The Pardoners Tale" and " The Nun's Priest's Tale," are both written by Chaucer. Although the two stories are very different, they both have a lot of similarities. Some of the similarities include both have evil, in different forms and also have examples of irony. They are both inappropriate in some ways, and include a didactic. The differences in…show more content…
In the "Nun's Priest Tale" the rooster that has 7 wives, which is quite inappropriate. Polygamy is wrong and illegal. They also are talking about taking a laxative, like really thats just a little too much information.The Pardoner was a hypocrite, he preached about being greedy and yet he was as greedy as all the rest. The Pardoner's prologue, however, reveals a man dedicated not to God and church, but rather, to the ruthless exploitation of the masses. In "The Pardoner Tales" the three men would do evil things, like lust after women and get drunk together. The three guys were so greedy, they all wanted the gold for themselves, but they all ended up dying. "They fell on him and slew him, two to one he took a bottle full of poison up and drank and his companion drank from it also and they both perished"…show more content…
In "The Pardoner's Tale" the irony consists of when he preaches against the sin of avarice - "The love of money is the root of all evil" - when he is in fact is guilty of this sin. He makes a living by selling useless relics to peasants who believe that this will take away their sins. There are many examples of irony in "The Nun's Priest Tale". One of the most ironic parts of the story is when the fox is tricked by Chauntecleer. After months of careful planning, the fox persuaded Chauntecleer into singing with his eyes shut. The fox seized him and quickly ran away with Chauntecleer in his mouth, with animals and humans in pursuit. Just as Chauntecleer was about to be made into dinner, he tricked the fox with the same method that the fox tricked him! It is ironic that the fox fell for his own trick, just when everything was going right for him. Chauntecleer had learned his lesson, and would not fall for the same trick twice. The fox had also learned his

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