Arrogance In Oedipus The King

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The exploration of how Oedipus’ tragedy is presented in Oedipus the King. Oedipus the king written by Sophocles and set in Thebes begins with a scene in front of Oedipus’ palace where Oedipus enters to find the priest and a crowd of children praying to the gods to free them from the plague that besets the city. King Oedipus is told that the city will continue to suffer and grieve until the murder of king Laius is banished or killed “A man must be banished. Banished or killed. Blood for blood. The plague is blood, blood, breaking over Thebes” (lines 123-125). The issue causes Oedipus to pledge to discover the murder and to punish him. The presentation of Oedipus’ tragedy begins with ignorance unaware that he is the killer he…show more content…
Although it is expected and I can empathizes with Oedipus because of his position where “pride is the germ of Kings and rulers” but still his arrogance was still his defining flaw. This flaw keeps Oedipus from believing Teiresias’ prophecy, “Murder.” (line492); “You have eyes to see with, but you do not see yourself, you do not see” (lines 558-559). At the beginning of the play, this pride is shown when our fallen hero states, “everybody everywhere knows who I am: Oedipus. King” (Line 11). It remains true at the end of the text this time with negative implications. Oedipus could have avoided a disgraceful tragic fall since he could not run away from fate. However, he let his investigative nature become an obsessive as he digs through his past avoiding the warnings from his wife Jocasta unknown to him his mother “Oedipus, you must stop. I beg you-stop!”(line134). Ignoring her advice he does discover the truth, that his father was the man he killed on his way to Thebes just because of his quick-temperedness which indirectly also spell out that Jocasta is his mother. This painful truth brings no comfort to King Oedipus who could have avoided the fatal outcome by taking his time and reasoning with himself over the plague ruining Thebes. When the citizens of Thebes beg Oedipus to consult the gods on the plague he states, “You have not wakened me from some kind of sleep” (line 88) and that he already sent…show more content…
Dramatic irony is when the audience knows the tragic truth before the characters do. With irony, Sophocles manages to elude repeating an old account, though the spectators are conscious of the story’s end they are fascinated by the irony present in the story. Sophocles also made liberal use of verbal irony this is seen in Oedipus speeches. When Oedipus demands that the criminal who murdered Laius be punished, but he is unaware that he is the murder. There is also the instant where Oedipus accuses kreon of outlining him for the crime so that he could get him out of the way then become king, but kreon states that he is not interested in being king as he is content with his present wealth and power, “I have no instinct for power, no hunger for it either.” (line768). In addition to this instant, the scene in which Oedipus narrates how and why he left his parents to avoid the fate of killing his father and marrying his mother not knowing that there were not his real parents but adopted once. Finally when Oedipus mocks Teiresias of his blindness. This all are ways in which the author uses verbal irony to present the tragic fall of the hero. I also think the introduction of irony in the play gives the reader the craving to know how Oedipus is going to react mentally to his fate. Oedipus was a very self-confident,

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