Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The intricate works of the mind is a phenomenon that is yet to be revealed. Scientists know a great deal about it, the structure, what piece controls what action, what the brain is made of, and so forth. Humans have even gone so far as to execute surgeries and do brain transplants. Nevertheless, what resides in the cranium is not just a part of the body, but a whole intellectual machine. It’s the gears and wheels that make humans feel love and hate, sad and happy, angry and calm. It’s a beautiful piece of equipment that has given mankind the key to everything. However, just like a book, you can’t judge it by its cover. Its charm complements its hideousness. People have thought and done horrific deeds. It has shed blood. It has corrupted others. It has turned humans into a monster. In the pages of our history textbook, it has shown the prejudice mankind has. Even in the court of justice where the constitution of freedom prevents judgment, prejudice is apparent. Discrimination hides the truth and, in court cases, this results in innocents being…show more content…
Cain arrested Homer Adolph Plessy for sitting in the railway designated for white people. Although he is seven-eighths Caucasian, Plessy was told to go to the car assigned to black people ( However, Homer Plessy mirrored Tom Robinson. In To Kill a Mockingbird, it states, “Atticus had used every tool available to free men to save Tom Robinson, but in the secret courts of men’s hearts Atticus had no case. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella opened her mouth to scream” (Lee 275). In those days, it didn’t matter whether or not you were truly innocent or guilty. It only mattered if you were black or white. If the case was a black citizen versus a white citizen, the white citizen will always win with an all-white jury. Plessy was guilty the minute he refused to give up his seat. Plessy illustrates that the judicial branch privileges those with the “favorable” skin
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