Prejudice In To Kill The Mockingbird

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Prejudice is an agony of judgments when unreasonable hostility takes place and causes a great disorder throughout the events of the story. In “To Kill The Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Francis offends Atticus with an extreme language, Mr. Gilmer illegally violates the power of justice and treats an African-American whatever he likes, and Aunt Alexandra stereotypically judges everyone in the community of Maycomb. Francis, Mr. Gilmer, and Aunt Alexandra represent the theme of prejudice throughout the novel. Francis legitimately portrays the theme of prejudice. For example, before Francis runs cowardly towards the kitchen from Scout, Francis sarcastically confronts her, saying “I…show more content…
Atticus actions entirely mortify the Finch’s family for treating the society of African-American fairly. Andrade 2 Including when Tom anxiously rebels against Mr. Gilmer’s confrontation in the courthouse, Mr. Gilmer impudently said, “Are you being impudent to me boy?”(Pg. 198) A true lawyer symbolizes the scale of justice, but Mr. Gilmer’s expression prejudices Tom’s innocence in which shows lack of justice. In the process of the Jim Crow Laws, citizens throughout Alabama are more stereotypical involving Mr. Gilmer for treating people differently based on their race. Also, when Aunt Alexandra rejects Scout to invite Walter Cunningham for another dinner invitation, Aunt Alexandra unpleasantly said, “The thing is, you can scrub Walter Cunningham until he shines, you can put him in shoes and a new suit, but he’ll never be like Jem, Besides, there’s a drinking streak in that family a mile wide. Finch women aren’t interested in that sort of people”(Pg. 224) Aunt Alexandra wants
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