The effects of growing up in poverty Growing up in poverty can have long lasting, negative effects for everyone living in such condition, spatially for the children. The Children growing up in low-income families, face many challenges and difficultly through their first years of their life and for the rest of it, that children from more advantaged families are not going through. These children may experience unpleasant life event likely more than average children in typical families. For example
To find out how family poverty impacts on academic performance and child’s well-being of primary school pupils, the teachers were asked to comment on level of attendance of children from low socio-economic backgrounds. The findings indicated that 6 teachers representing (50%) of the total respondents agree with the fact that children from low socio-economic backgrounds do not attend ECD classes regularly, 3 representing (25%) were neutral about this issue and 3(25%) disagree. This therefore indicates
disability of a child before they reach the age of 3. There are important benefits that can be gained before the child enters the school at the age of four and five. A better early intervention can help the child to develop their skills to their best. Studies show that early childhood intervention can help child’s academic excellence, progress in education, and behavior and labor success among other field. These programs can benefit both the children and the parents. It is designed to help children to achieve
DEFINING AND UNDERSTANDING HOPE Hope is defined as cherishing a desired anticipation, to want something to occur with the expectations of obtainment. Humans have a natural sense of hope to survive; hope is often what dreams are fed on and it gets us through tough times. In order to get through rough patches in life, some people tend to create false hope (gamble) or deceive themselves about reality just to keep going (Spirt Home, 2017). Hope allows us to live in the expectation of what might be