Potato Osmosis Lab

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Osmosis Lab Report BIO 2101-02 Jasmine Monger (+Tayshondalyn Huntley, Brandi Burke, Jasmine Vann) Dr. Carly Kemmis December 5, 2014 Introduction Osmosis is the movement of water from a low concentration to a high concentration across a different permeable membrane. When talking about osmosis three terms are usually connected to it or heard during the same time. Those three terms are hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic. These three terms can be categorized as the tonicity, amount of solute, a substance or an object has. Hypertonic is a solution with a higher concentration of solutes, it has more solute on the outside than it does on the inside. Hypotonic refers to a solution with a lower concentration of solutes, it has…show more content…
The first procedure was to find the five beakers that included the different concentrations of the salt (NaCl) solution. The next thing to do was to get five potatoes and place one into each of the beakers. One beaker contained 0.9% of NaCl, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 30%. After placing each potato into a beaker the next two steps were to simply wait and record the size of the potatoes after fifteen minute intervals for an hour and fifteen minutes. The purpose for measuring the size is to determine whether the size of the potato changed while in the solution and how it changed if it did. The materials used for this experiment included salt (NaCl) solution, potato slices and a ruler. Results & Data As a result of this experiment, some of the potatoes shrunk and the others swelled up instead. The results after having the potatoes in the salt (NaCl) solution after an hour and fifteen minutes was that the potatoes in the concentration of ten and five percentage of salt shrunk, but the potatoes that were in the concentration of 0.9, fifteen, and thirty percentage of salt swelled up in size. (As shown in the chart…show more content…
On the other hand, the potatoes that were in the concentration of 0.9, fifteen, and thirty percentage of salt swelled up in size, rejecting our hypothesis. Altogether, the hypothesis was rejected because based on the results all of the potatoes were doing different things. We thought that if the potatoes had any presence of salt that they will all shrink but that was not the case. We strongly believe that if we were to redo the experiment and do it the right way we would get better results. The reason for this is because while doing the experiment we got the concentrations of the solution mixed up and we believe that is the reason it did not come out the way we thought it

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